China gear coupling as different type of machinery industry standard type coupling are drum type coupling, has the following form:
GICL type – wide type basic (JB/T8854.2-1999)
GIICL type – narrow type basic (JB/T8854.2-1999)
GICLZ – wide type answer the intermediate shaft type (JB/T8854.3.1999)
GIICLZ type – narrow type answer the intermediate shaft coupling type (JB/T8854.3-1999)
GCLD type – answer the motor shaft extension type (JB/T8854.1-1999)
WGP type — take brake disc type (JB/T7001-93)
WGC type, vertical installation type (JB/T7002-93)
Type WGZ with brake wheel type (JB/T7003-93)
WGT – answer the intermediate model (JB/T7004-93)
TGL type – nylon gear coupling type (JB/T5514-91)
WGJ type – answer the intermediate shaft type (JB/T8821-1998)
NGCL type — take brake wheel type (JB/ZQ4644)
NGCLZ type — take brake wheel type (JB/ZQ4186)
WG – basic (JB/ZQ4186)